PRAISE for On All Fronts
Derrick Weston Brown’s On All Fronts is a block party of emotions. Here, the mood shifts quickly from D’Angelo to Ghostface Killah. Brown’s speakers ride the green line, earhustling for round-the-way gossip. They also “…weep, at…black womanless streets.” To the elder throwing shade, they say, “ain’t no besting ‘these bars.'” These poems earned every damn “right to coat each tooth in” gold.
—Alan King, author of Drift and Point Blank
I am glad to have lived long enough to see and feel (and revisit like a much needed friend) Derrick Weston Brown’s “On All Fronts”. These poems are replete with originality (remember saxophonist Lester Young’s artistic credo “You got to be original, man!”) technical and emotional range, and—most importantly—feeling. They entrance the reader; and they make you rethink the world around (and inside) you. Read and re-read and re-read these poems. And recite them out loud. because they are also as musical as a kiss. Lucky us, world. Lucky us.
—Reuben Jackson, poet and author of Fingering The Keys
PRAISE for Wisdom Teeth
"This brilliant first effort is akin to a mixtape, filled with nostalgic hip-hop references—MF Doom, A Tribe Called Quest, and J Dilla, among others—a love letter from a grown man still much enamored of the youth culture today. Found here are playful experiments with the eintou, bop, and brownku, African American forms seldom approached with such mastery."
—Simone Jacobson, managing editor for Words. Beats. Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture
“We need more songs like this young man’s right here. Truth cuts its way beneath the unspoken like new teeth on their way to light. Son of Langston, come on through.”
—Ruth Forman award winning children’s book writer, poet, and author of Prayers Like Shoes (2009)
"Derrick Weston Brown ventures into the canon to echo the voices of Morrison’s Sweet Home Men, then bends his ear to the streets of DC to render the shouts and whispers of corner brawls and slapped down dominoes—all the while balancing the bridge between Ellington and the sacred tribes of hip-hop."
—Tyehimba Jess, 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry Winner, author of Leadbelly (2005), Olio (2016)
"Full of wit and whimsy, Wisdom Teeth postulates a poetics of heart-whole appreciation and honesty—for love and life, for family and friends, for literature and history, for pop culture and the poet's ever-cognizant powers of observation."
— Dr. Tony Medina, Professor of Creative Writing, Howard University, author of My Old Man Was always on the Lam, Broke on Ice, I and I, and An Onion of Wars
Chapbook manuscript "On All Fronts" a Finalist for the Backbone Press Spring Open Reading Period 2017
Awarded a week long Summer Residency at the Virginia Center of The Creative Arts (2015).
Recipient of a $1000 Individual Artist Award in Poetry from the Maryland State Arts Council (2014)
Visiting Writer for the PEN/Faulkner Foundation’s Writers in Schools Literary Arts Outreach Program, (2012-Present)
Writer-In-Residence for The Howard County Poetry & Literary Society (HoCoPoLitSo) for Howard County high schools (2012-2013);
Master of Ceremonies for 2012 Larry Neal Writers’ Competition Awards (May 2012)
Nominated for Pushcart Prize by The Little Patuxent Review for the poem “Touched” Little Patuxent Review (2012)
VONA Voices Summer Workshop Fellow and Residency recipient of a financial aid scholarship (2009, 2013)
Wisdom Teeth, named finalist for the Naomi Long Madgett Lotus Press Poetry Prize (2009)
Judge for Hurston/Wright Foundation Legacy Award for Poetry (2008)
Certificate Of Appreciation: United States Department Of Agriculture, Black And Minority Employees Organization Program (2004)
Squaw Valley Writers Retreat Scholarship Recipient (2004)
Folger Shakespearean Library, Lannan Fellow (2003-2004)
Cave Canem Fellow and Summer Retreat Scholarship recipient ( 2002, 2003, 2006).

A Review of The Floodgate Poetry Series Vol. 5 in by Abriana Jette of Stay Thirsty Magazine
July 08, 2019
A lovely review of Floodgate Poetry Series Vol.5, which includes chapbooks by , TR Hummer, and Sarah Rebecca Warren. Thanks, Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum!!
Wakanda Forever or TFW The Little Patuxent Review shouts out your Black Panther (T'Challa) Poem
October 02, 2018
At the Little Patuxent Review’s Summer Issue launch reading on June 2nd, Derrick Weston Brown blew me away with his reading of his poem “Bruuuuuh or When Brothers Debate Black Panther in a Safeway Parking Lot: A Found (Overheard) Poem.” It’s a poem that feels as if it wants to be performed but a work that also offers the pleasures of a close reading on the printed page.